Vaccine Requirements are Getting Out of Hand

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Alex Berenson on Rogan was really informative. The guy talks data the whole time.
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Did you hear our bambling in chief idiot mockingly say, freedom?yeah I have the freedom to kill you with my covid.

Newsflash poop, if the vaccines work, you're not in danger from covid. I can't believe liberals are this ridiculous and buy into this crap. Unbelievable really.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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CowboyNV wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:27 am
LanderPoke wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:49 am
WestWYOPoke wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:49 pm
LanderPoke wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:54 am
WestWYOPoke wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 4:38 pm Ok, I'm confused... is Biden a socialist (which in conservative talk means communist apparently) or is he the next Hitler? He certainly can't be both as they are ideological opposites. Some help here guys?
Totalitarian is a word to that describes communists, socialists, fascists, etc.
Yeah, I'm well aware, so tell me in what way he is a totalitarian. Vaccine mandate doesn't qualify. What else? The current republican party is far closer to the fascism shown by Hitler et al than the Democrats are with any totalitarian-like moves.

I gotta give the current Republican party kudos, they have done an excellent job of tribalizing the conservative right (Dems have done a decent job with the left, but not as aggressively). At this point, if Democrats started to advocate for a Constitutional Amendment to ban flag burning, Republicans would oppose it just to "own the libs".
How does the vaccine mandate not qualify? It's the most totalitarian thing that has been done in this country since the government rounded up Japanese-American and put them in camps. The vaccine stuff is straight from a dictator's playbook. Biden's not a king. He can't tell the people to inject themselves with something or they lose their livelihoods. Biden said "this is not about your freedom or personal choice". F that and F him.

Biden is on pace for the most executive orders of any recent president. Biden is weaponizing the FBI against soccer moms that don't share his sordid vision of what America should be. They don't want you to have any say in what's taught to your children. Biden's attack on free speech through censorship on social media is disturbing and un American. They want to look into your private bank account and monitor your activity! dude! Biden and the left would control every aspect of your life if they could because they think they know what's best for your. They think you are stupid and can't make the right choice. They would 100% control your life in the name of "climate" too. The left is psychotic. People are beginning to wake up. Biden's approval rating is in the toilet and there's going to be a red wave in 2022. Hopefully the madness will slow down at that point.
Let me preface my rant with this - I'm not trying to be confrontational, and you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but to say a vaccine mandate is the most totalitarian thing in this country since locking up the Japanese is a reach at best.

Here's an example. Try turning 18, being told to register with the local draft board, wait a few months, get a letter that starts with "Greetings from the President of the United States of America..." and then being sent off to a f##k[#] jungle to fight a war only the government wanted. In that case, a lot of people were shot with a whole lot worse than a COVID vaccine. We had two choices - fight or Canada. Try that on for size and then tell me how bad this vaccine is.

I also remember 45 days after 9/11, Congress approved the Patriot Act. It does exactly what you state Biden is going to do, and I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but they've been doing it since 9/11/2001. They already know what goes on in your bank account, they already listen in on your phone calls, and already read your emails. Drive by the 1.5 million square foot NSA monstrosity at the Point of the Mountain in Utah and tell me that they aren't busy at work scooping up as much Sh#t as they can off each and every one of us. This has been going on since Bush, continued under Obama, then under Trump, and now under Biden all in the name of "national security." Both parties, Republicans and Democrats, thought it was a great idea. When was the last time you flew? Did you get the 10 questions, removed all your electronics, took off your shoes, walked through x-ray machines, were virtually strip searched and patted down like a common criminal just so you can get to your gate? I would call that invasive, and a hell of a lot worse than a shot. I'm all for pushing back on government, but I would humbly suggest you pick your battles carefully.

I know a bunch of people have their panties in a wad over "get a shot or lose your job." The last company I worked for required a drug and alcohol screen, an FBI background check, and a credit check just to be considered for employment. How's that for invasive? If you think you've been living in a "free country" prior to Biden, you haven't been paying attention. When was the last time you registered your car? No insurance, sorry, no registration. Cancel your insurance without getting different coverage, they will come looking for you. I'd call that a mandate, and that is done on the state level. There are plenty of things that are mandated in this country. Some of them are probably a good idea. Some of them are probably a bad idea. And some of them, well, the jury is still out. I just wish folks would quit attacking people with different ideas and understand we are all in this together.

We used to have a saying when we were told something we "had" to do. We would always answer, "Well, at least they can't shave my head and send me off to Viet Nam, again." Tell yourself that after the next thing government throws your way. It can, and probably will get worse. Ask yourself, "Is this the hill I want to die on." If it is, then attack it with all of the gusto you can muster. If it isn't, then move on. Stress kills too. I just wish all of the Cowboy fans the best. May you all live to be a grouchy old f##k[#] like I am. :twocents:
I forgot about 'nam and the draft. Oops. It would have royally sucked to be a young man during that time. At least Vietnam is considered a blunder by the right and left. What a regrettable situation. I have great respect for all who served there.

The insurance stuff is, yeah. Not exactly tyranny. You have the choice to drive or not. The federal jobs thing is what it is. A prerequisite to work there. You know you have to do all those things and be subjected to all that stuff and you either agree to it or not. The vaccine mandate stuff is different in that people have existing jobs, they didn't agree to get a mRNA covid jab as a prerequisite to work there and NOW they are forcing it on them against their will. It's different. It's about choice and they didn't have a choice when they began employment. When people MAKE you do something or else have your life ruined it 's bad and immoral.
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laxwyo wrote: Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:49 am Alex Berenson on Rogan was really informative. The guy talks data the whole time.
Berenson has been correct about most things including the stuff he was banned from Twitter for.

I listened to about an hour of Berenson on Rogan's podcast. It was:
I still can't believe the poop fit the media threw about Ivermectin, a legitimate, safe, useful drug with proven anti-viral properties. And pharmacies were refusing to fill scripts (prescribed by real doctors) for ivermectin as if they are the Police of Morality, but handed out painkillers and narcotics like M&Ms and ruined tens of thousands of lives. We truly live in a clown world.
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For your reading pleasure WestWyo. Try to read the data and generate your own opinion rather than simply rely on the authors' interpretation.

Key points no matter how they try to spin the household data....
Of the positive COVID cases 54% were fully vaccinated!
62% of unvaccinated people living in a household that had COVID did not contract the disease!
Viral loads were not different in vaccinated and unvaccinated!

Shows that testing requirements for only nonvaccinate is harassment and not science. Also shows that unlike other vaccines, like smallpox, these are not stopping the spread. Before you start, read the data. The authors are way overreaching on the household conclusion. The p value doesn't back up their claims. The sample size is too small. 2 fewer positive cases in the unvaccinated group would make the percentages identical. A larger sample size would reveal this and it's also why they failed to find statistical significance.

This is also a great example of how science and the media are misleading people. Democrats and your president are ruining lives and businesses over a vaccine that doesn't do what they say it does. They should be tried for treason.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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Watching the media lose their collective minds about Aaron Rodgers is pretty scary. The Hive does not approve.
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laxwyo wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:41 am Watching the media lose their collective minds about Aaron Rodgers is pretty scary. The Hive does not approve.
No doubt. I can't believe people in the US think like this.

Here's another one that chaps my ass. poop Biden uses OSHA to enforce his nazi-style mandates but doesn't require welfare recipients to be vaccinated.

He's destroying careers and lives of working people but hands off of the 50 million + receiving benefits.

You can't make this poop up.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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I could be totally wrong but I think omicron is the beginning of the end COVID. We'll know more as it spreads but initial reports indicate this is the highly contagious lowly virulent strain we need.

If so, it'll be ironic. The vac hysterical group blames the rise of variants on the unvaccinated yet it just might be that this variant ends the pandemic. Thus the unvaccinated actually saved the world.

2nd part is mostly in jest. Here's hoping omicron is truly lowly virulent and we're finally seeing an end as predicted by scientists across the pond. Too bad our liberal media and politicians are in big pharma's pocket. 1 we'll only hear dire predictions and 2 they'll know the end of the pandemic is near so the mandates will be ramped up.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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ragtimejoe1 wrote: Mon Nov 29, 2021 8:04 am I could be totally wrong but I think omicron is the beginning of the end COVID. We'll know more as it spreads but initial reports indicate this is the highly contagious lowly virulent strain we need.

If so, it'll be ironic. The vac hysterical group blames the rise of variants on the unvaccinated yet it just might be that this variant ends the pandemic. Thus the unvaccinated actually saved the world.

2nd part is mostly in jest. Here's hoping omicron is truly lowly virulent and we're finally seeing an end as predicted by scientists across the pond. Too bad our liberal media and politicians are in big pharma's pocket. 1 we'll only hear dire predictions and 2 they'll know the end of the pandemic is near so the mandates will be ramped up.
2nd part is a given. They (democrats and other authoritarian bad guys) love the control and power and will keep the con going at all costs.
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So my wife and I were vaccinated last March and April. We were part of the demographic that was “allowed” to be towards the head of the line and our doctor urged us to get it. He has not suggested we get a booster. A couple weeks ago when the gubmint website for free home tests went live I was sure it would crash due to demand. So I logged on and it was ok so I figured since I was there I would order some. The day they arrived we tested ourselves. Wife was positive and I was negative. Tested again the next day with same result. She had a headache, cough and phlegmy throat. Starting taking musinex and zinc and is now better. Weird that I didn’t test positive and am fine. Happy that she got through it and now has six times the immunity as compared to the shot.
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ZapPoke wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:04 pm So my wife and I were vaccinated last March and April. We were part of the demographic that was “allowed” to be towards the head of the line and our doctor urged us to get it. He has not suggested we get a booster. A couple weeks ago when the gubmint website for free home tests went live I was sure it would crash due to demand. So I logged on and it was ok so I figured since I was there I would order some. The day they arrived we tested ourselves. Wife was positive and I was negative. Tested again the next day with same result. She had a headache, cough and phlegmy throat. Starting taking musinex and zinc and is now better. Weird that I didn’t test positive and am fine. Happy that she got through it and now has six times the immunity as compared to the shot.
Had someone in the family who lived in household with confirmed and symptomatic covid (rest of family had it). He tested daily and continued working. Never caught it living in the house with no precautions. He caught it 2 months later at work.

I sure hope people remember the party of lockdowns, showing papers to move about, firing people and ruining lives over personal medical decisions, etc. etc.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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ragtimejoe1 wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:48 am

I sure hope people remember the party of lockdowns, showing papers to move about, firing people and ruining lives over personal medical decisions, etc. etc.
I hope so too. Unfortunately, people have short memories. George HW Bush was at the peak of his popularity in 1991 after Desert Storm. Less than a year later Clinton won the election.

I honestly think I had covid in October 2019. It was the worst flu of my life. I thought the cough was going to turn my lungs inside out. I was working for a global corporation and had visited with an employee from China just before that. I know covid supposedly appeared two months later but damn was I sick.
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When both parties send our kids to fight Russia, it won’t really matter.

I emailed lummis, she’s a warmonger like cheney. We better protect Ukraine’s sovereign borders lol.
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laxwyo wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:56 pm When both parties send our kids to fight Russia, it won’t really matter.

I emailed lummis, she’s a warmonger like cheney. We better protect Ukraine’s sovereign borders lol.
At least they'll be vaccinated several times and trained in wokeness. That should help. :?
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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Even the damn cdc director is coming out now saying the vaccines won't stop the spread.

Look through this thread. Looks like some of us were right all along and some kool-aid drinkers were wrong. Congrats. You ruined lives over nothing. Imagine 6-8 months ago someone saying the vaccines don't stop the spread. Tech would have banned them from every platform and the liberal media roasted them. If the doesn't scare the hell out of you, move to China. The Chinese style of govt and media fits you well.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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ragtimejoe1 wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 7:55 am Even the damn cdc director is coming out now saying the vaccines won't stop the spread.

Look through this thread. Looks like some of us were right all along and some kool-aid drinkers were wrong. Congrats. You ruined lives over nothing. Imagine 6-8 months ago someone saying the vaccines don't stop the spread. Tech would have banned them from every platform and the liberal media roasted them. If the doesn't scare the hell out of you, move to China. The Chinese style of govt and media fits you well.
Wearing a mask and staying home ruined your life?
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WYO1016 wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:30 am
ragtimejoe1 wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 7:55 am Even the damn cdc director is coming out now saying the vaccines won't stop the spread.

Look through this thread. Looks like some of us were right all along and some kool-aid drinkers were wrong. Congrats. You ruined lives over nothing. Imagine 6-8 months ago someone saying the vaccines don't stop the spread. Tech would have banned them from every platform and the liberal media roasted them. If the doesn't scare the hell out of you, move to China. The Chinese style of govt and media fits you well.
Wearing a mask and staying home ruined your life?
Firing people because of a vaccine mandate predicated on stopping the spread.

Lockdowns which also were shown to be ineffective ruined thousands of lives and businesses. The fact you trivialize it is a testament to having your head in the sand.

Liberals were wrong and worse yet squashed any dissenting discussion. Flat scary unless China is appealing.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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ragtimejoe1 wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:39 am Firing people because of a vaccine mandate predicated on stopping the spread.

Lockdowns which also were shown to be ineffective ruined thousands of lives and businesses. The fact you trivialize it is a testament to having your head in the sand.

Liberals were wrong and worse yet squashed any dissenting discussion. Flat scary unless China is appealing.
Did you lose your job due to the pandemic? I did.

You can either bitch about things you can't control (like a child) or play the cards you're dealt (like an adult). I landed on my feet after 2 months on unemployment. That sure as hell didn't happen because of whining about vaccines and masks.
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WYO1016 wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:48 am
ragtimejoe1 wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:39 am Firing people because of a vaccine mandate predicated on stopping the spread.

Lockdowns which also were shown to be ineffective ruined thousands of lives and businesses. The fact you trivialize it is a testament to having your head in the sand.

Liberals were wrong and worse yet squashed any dissenting discussion. Flat scary unless China is appealing.
Did you lose your job due to the pandemic? I did.

You can either bitch about things you can't control (like a child) or play the cards you're dealt (like an adult). I landed on my feet after 2 months on unemployment. That sure as hell didn't happen because of whining about vaccines and masks.
Cards you're dealt by a tyrannical party. The pandemic was unavoidable once it got out of the lab but the liberal response was not.

It isn't batching. It's stating a fact. Liberals and many in this thread were flat wrong. Drug od, abuse, alcoholism, family businesses closed forever, careers ruined, etc. These are direct results of liberal policy. The early struggles with the pandemic were wrong but forgivable. The continued tyranny is not.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
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WYO1016 wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 11:23 am
ragtimejoe1 wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:00 am On trying to make COVID worse than the flu for kids, he's not correct. The rate of serious illness in kids as a result of covid is statistically similar to 0 and MANY other things in society pose a much greater risk than covid for kids. Imagine if we put as much focus on childhood obesity as we do them being vaccinated or wearing a mask?

The approach by liberal politicians and health professionals towards children and other lowly susceptible demographics is EXACTLY why there is a credibility issue and why we are still struggling with this disease.
So what you're saying is that a keyboard warrior that "researches" by cherry picking articles that back up an inherint bias like yourself is more qualified to answer a medical issue than someone who has spent over a decade in the medical field and years studying for his degree before that. Got it.
:rofl: looks like the cdc director finally agreed with this keyboard warrior.
WYO1016 wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:10 am I'm starting to think that Burman has been laying the pipe to ragtimejoe1's wife
Insults are the last resort of fools with a crumbling position.
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