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WyoNation Lifer
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Defend Obama giving $100s of millions of "your tax dollars" ( well that is if you pay taxes (most liberals don't but want everyone to pay their fair share meaning everyone else) to Iran, but yeah go ahead and defend that.

Defend Obamas handling of ISIS, remember your "buddy" said they were the JV team.

Defend Barry mocking Romney in the debate when he stated Russia is the biggest threat to America.

I'm sure your response will be - well I didn't vote for Obama in your little whiney liberal voice.
I didn't defend Obama. All I have stated, is that the international community respected him. That's the problem I see so often. You Trump defenders, so quick to call other people "snowflakes", "Democrats", and "liberals", that you don't take the time to actually think things through. Hell, Trumpers called the creators of South Park "liberals" for daring to criticize Trump in one of their episodes. Despite them being libertarian.
And, I find it odd, really. That you find Trump to be so patriotic, but conveniently forget Trump mocking McCain for being a vet AND a POW. While he dodged the draft (which I thought was heresy for people like you).
and show me the quote where Trump "Mr Trump" to you, said they didn't have their first amendments rights. That's liberals like you that cry that when folks disagree with you. So I hope any women I know don't run into you using the women's bathrooms at "The War" because I'm sure you supported Husseins campaign for equality and uni-the deed bathrooms.

You all are loonie.
Oh, you know, the part where he wanted people fired for practicing their First Amendment right to Peacefully Protest? Or, how about trying to label any all media that dare not back him up as "fake news"? Oh, and so many more times. ... amendment/ ... 700521001/

"People that are different than me, don't deserve equal rights!" Despite a very certain phrase within the Declaration of Independence stating otherwise. Hell, our own state is supposed to be the "Equality State". Have you ever thought that, maybe, just maybe, not to keep your panties in wad so often and not get so hung up on people trying to have the same rights as you?

Oh, and chill on the name calling.
do I really care what Kim Jong Un cares about how the US is viewed. That's the problem with you - and libs, you care more about the world than you do the US. So it explains why you support disrespect of this Great country, flag burning etc, etc, etc. makes perfect sense to me. No one was more divisive than Obama. No one.
I'm talking about the United States' closest allies and friends. Trump is the one that said he admired Kimmy boy. And Erdogan. And always backs off when it comes to Russia. Or how about stepping around the issue of the KKK and neo-Nazis? You know, the modern day supporters of the United States' BIGGEST enemies ever?

Flag burning? Hmm. Did I say I support that? No? Then that's yet another strike against you. And has nothing to do with the topic of people simply kneeling, which has never, ever been seen as disrespectful. Until certain people made it a much bigger issue then it ever was. And Trump is the LAST person I want to hear criticizing others for "being disrespectful".

And divisive. Obama. Sure, he had issues, as near every President has had. But the MOST divisive? Other than KKK sites like Breitbart and the orange bully, do you have any legit sources to back this up? Or do you just take in Trump's bullying, insulting, mocking, and out right disrespectful comments and actions as "the gospel truth"?

News flash: Outside of a certain corps of Trump diehards like yourself, NO ONE likes him. Left, right, center, allies, and other nations. The only countries out there that have expressed they like him? Russia and China. Let that sink in. Unless you're ready to abandon allies since World War 1 and before, of course.
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fromolwyoming wrote:
Defend Obama giving $100s of millions of "your tax dollars" ( well that is if you pay taxes (most liberals don't but want everyone to pay their fair share meaning everyone else) to Iran, but yeah go ahead and defend that.

Defend Obamas handling of ISIS, remember your "buddy" said they were the JV team.

Defend Barry mocking Romney in the debate when he stated Russia is the biggest threat to America.

I'm sure your response will be - well I didn't vote for Obama in your little whiney liberal voice.
I didn't defend Obama. All I have stated, is that the international community respected him. That's the problem I see so often. You Trump defenders, so quick to call other people "snowflakes", "Democrats", and "liberals", that you don't take the time to actually think things through. Hell, Trumpers called the creators of South Park "liberals" for daring to criticize Trump in one of their episodes. Despite them being libertarian.
And, I find it odd, really. That you find Trump to be so patriotic, but conveniently forget Trump mocking McCain for being a vet AND a POW. While he dodged the draft (which I thought was heresy for people like you).
and show me the quote where Trump "Mr Trump" to you, said they didn't have their first amendments rights. That's liberals like you that cry that when folks disagree with you. So I hope any women I know don't run into you using the women's bathrooms at "The War" because I'm sure you supported Husseins campaign for equality and uni-the deed bathrooms.

You all are loonie.
Oh, you know, the part where he wanted people fired for practicing their First Amendment right to Peacefully Protest? Or, how about trying to label any all media that dare not back him up as "fake news"? Oh, and so many more times. ... amendment/ ... 700521001/

"People that are different than me, don't deserve equal rights!" Despite a very certain phrase within the Declaration of Independence stating otherwise. Hell, our own state is supposed to be the "Equality State". Have you ever thought that, maybe, just maybe, not to keep your panties in wad so often and not get so hung up on people trying to have the same rights as you?

Oh, and chill on the name calling.
do I really care what Kim Jong Un cares about how the US is viewed. That's the problem with you - and libs, you care more about the world than you do the US. So it explains why you support disrespect of this Great country, flag burning etc, etc, etc. makes perfect sense to me. No one was more divisive than Obama. No one.
I'm talking about the United States' closest allies and friends. Trump is the one that said he admired Kimmy boy. And Erdogan. And always backs off when it comes to Russia. Or how about stepping around the issue of the KKK and neo-Nazis? You know, the modern day supporters of the United States' BIGGEST enemies ever?

Flag burning? Hmm. Did I say I support that? No? Then that's yet another strike against you. And has nothing to do with the topic of people simply kneeling, which has never, ever been seen as disrespectful. Until certain people made it a much bigger issue then it ever was. And Trump is the LAST person I want to hear criticizing others for "being disrespectful".

And divisive. Obama. Sure, he had issues, as near every President has had. But the MOST divisive? Other than KKK sites like Breitbart and the orange bully, do you have any legit sources to back this up? Or do you just take in Trump's bullying, insulting, mocking, and out right disrespectful comments and actions as "the gospel truth"?

News flash: Outside of a certain corps of Trump diehards like yourself, NO ONE likes him. Left, right, center, allies, and other nations. The only countries out there that have expressed they like him? Russia and China. Let that sink in. Unless you're ready to abandon allies since World War 1 and before, of course.
Typical liberal. "Oh you know I'm not really a liberal and I didn't actually vote for Obama but I respected him like the rest of the globe, hell the universe". "But hell no I didn't vote for him"! And don't call me a snowflake either because I'm all butt hurt that Hilllary or Bernie didn't win, not that I voted for them either. Lol.

How did you like that non-devisive comment Barry made in 2008, where he stated "if they bring a knife we'll bring a gun" while campaigning. That was becoming of a president wasn't it, in your opinion?

And then when you you ask them to show you a link or substantiate their claim " oh you know he (Trump) does it all the time". Again, there was NOTHING in the speech Friday night that PRESIDENT Trump (sure has a nice ring) said about eliminating anyone's first amendment rights. But you didn't even listen to the speech to know. CNN said it so you KNOW it's right. You do realize the amount of wrong(fake) reports CNN has had to retract. Oh yeah, how would you know that you have a CNN tattoo.

Well let's make this easy.

Even though you weren't actually (wink wink) an Obama supporter tell me what his accomplishments are that as you say "caused him to be so respected".

Iraq and NK are Americas bigger threats. You really are showing your ignorance now. You do realize NK has been testing missiles that have ranges to reach our borders with nuclear capabilities. Oh, how would you know that?!!! CNN probably didn't report that running all the Russians stealing the election. If that's the best you guys have to explain your loss at the polls you will lose the next election too. Thank God. Keep going with that one.

Speaking of Russia, I believe it was your side that gave away most of our uranium deposits to Russia. I believe it was the Clinton Foundation that received millions of dollars from Russia associations. I believe it was Hussein that's stated "tell Vlad that I'll have a lot more flexibility after the election". Sounds pretty cozy to me. Barry and Vlad, hmmm you should be so proud to defend that. And, how about all the money the Clintons made personally. Oh I know what's coming, you'll state, I didn't vote for Hillary "but she was respected". Cute, very cute. Oh, again how would you know that CNN or PBS wouldn't report that. Silly me.

By the way, one of the writers of the link you reference equates gun owners to racists. So I guess again, you liberals are selective in what parts of the constitution you believe in. Sigh

If you're just going to quote me and tell me I'm wrong, without any facts, then I'm done with the lack of debate skills of another "typical non liberal that didn't actually support Obama Hussein that you respected".

News flash (sarcasm), you butt hurt liberals that didn't get your way, oh yeah sorry I know you say you aren't, Trump has the full support of all of us who voted for him and will vote him in again for another 4 years. I hope you have your safety pin and a safe space.

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Last edited by Poke-proud on Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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WyoNation Lifer
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Seriously, a good portion of your so-called "argument" hinges on me voting for Obama. I never did. But in comparison, he was far better than either Clinton or Trump. Hell, I was a registered Republican until Trump won the nomination. Let that sink in. Had it been almost any other candidate, I may still be registered as a GOP.
How did you like that non-devisive comment Barry made in 2008, where he stated "if they bring a knife we'll bring a gun" while campaigning. That was becoming of a president wasn't it, in your opinion?
Its a metaphor. But you know what wasn't? These;

Oh yeah. Just so Presidential. And those are just the tip of the iceberg. Now to wait for you to brush it aside or even advocate for those.
And then when you you ask them to show you a link or substantiate their claim " oh you know he (Trump) does it all the time". Again, there was NOTHING in the speech Friday night that PRESIDENT Trump (sure has a nice ring) said about eliminating anyone's first amendment rights. But you didn't even listen to the speech to know. CNN said it so you KNOW it's right. You do realize the amount of wrong(fake) reports CNN has had to retract. Oh yeah, how would you know that you have a CNN tattoo.
I've already provided links showing how Trump keeps trying to throw the first Amendment under the bus. I guess I need to post a link to the 1st amendment itself.

And here's what the orange menace tweeted to the public, which is only the latest in a long line of things he has stated against the first amendment.
And then when you you ask them to show you a link or substantiate their claim " oh you know he (Trump) does it all the time". Again, there was NOTHING in the speech Friday night that PRESIDENT Trump (sure has a nice ring) said about eliminating anyone's first amendment rights. But you didn't even listen to the speech to know. CNN said it so you KNOW it's right. You do realize the amount of wrong(fake) reports CNN has had to retract. Oh yeah, how would you know that you have a CNN tattoo.
I don't now, nor ever have, watched CNN. Nor do I watch the incredibly awful FAUX News. I watch 9 News out of Denver. I read the Washington Post. Catch the occasional article on But I have never watched your arch-nemesis CNN. Which seems to be something you can't wrap your mind around.
Even though you weren't actually (wink wink) an Obama supporter tell me what his accomplishments are that as you say "caused him to be so respected".
All I'm saying, is what the other countries are saying. ... -and-asia/ ... eadership/
Iraq and NK are Americas bigger threats. You really are showing your ignorance now. You do realize NK has been testing missiles that have ranges to reach our borders with nuclear capabilities. Oh, how would you know that?!!!
Son, everyone and their dog knows that the North Koreans have been testing missiles. And each time, Trump, being the unpredictable and confrontational jerk he is, has only been pushing the unpredictable and confrontational jerk that Kimmy boy is. But his generals know that if they launch the first strike at a populated area, then China won't have their back in the oncoming war. But if Trump fires the first round, then expect China and maybe even Russia to intervene. Being kneejerk reactionary to the North Koreans is the WORST thing to be right now. But nope, keep swallowing what Trump and his "not fake news" keeps feeding you.

And, Iraq? Surely you mean Iran. I assume, at least. As Iraq makes no sense. Even then, what are you going to do? Go in, guns blazing, and shoot everything in sight?

But yeah. Ignore all the things that Russia has been involved in over the last year, with already a number of Trump's lackeys being charged. Ignore all of the intelligence agencies in favor Trump. Because he's never lied, like, at all. Totally.
Speaking of Russia, I believe it was your side that gave away most of our uranium deposits to Russia. I believe it was the Clinton Foundation that received millions of dollars from Russia associations. I believe it was Hussein that's stated "tell Vlad that I'll have a lot more flexibility after the election". Sounds pretty cozy to me. Barry and Vlad, hmmm you should be so proud to defend that. And, how about all the money the Clintons made personally. Oh I know what's coming, you'll state, I didn't vote for Hillary "but she was respected". Cute, very cute. Oh, again how would you know that CNN or PBS wouldn't report that. Silly me.
Seriously, you are so hung up on what your lord and savior, the orange turd, tells you, you refuse to listen to anything else. I hated BOTH candidates in Clinton and Trump. I never voted for Obama. But Obama was better than either Clinton or Trump, like it or not.
If you're just going to quote me and tell me I'm wrong, without any facts, then I'm done with the lack of debate skills of another "typical non liberal that didn't actually support Obama Hussein that you respected".
I'm the one providing links, presenting facts. You're just spouting the typical hyperbole of someone that never bothers to critically think of what his glorious leader tells him. Because if you could think critically, you'd realize that not everyone that despises Trump is a Democrat or liberal. But that would be going against your programming. I'm the one defending United States citizens rights to peacefully protest something they don't like, while you're calling it unAmerican.
News flash (sarcasm), you butt hurt liberals that didn't get your way, oh yeah sorry I know you say you aren't, Trump has the full support of all of us who voted for him and will vote him in again for another 4 years. I hope you have your safety pin and a safe space.
Oh, I know full well about your fanaticism towards Trump. Or is more cult now? Either way, I find it baffling how conservatives such as yourselves, can fully support such an abhorrent man.

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This thread is exactly why people assume everyone from Wyoming is a backwards redneck who would blow Trump the instant they saw him.
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fromolwyoming wrote:Seriously, a good portion of your so-called "argument" hinges on me voting for Obama. I never did. But in comparison, he was far better than either Clinton or Trump. Hell, I was a registered Republican until Trump won the nomination. Let that sink in. Had it been almost any other candidate, I may still be registered as a GOP.
How did you like that non-devisive comment Barry made in 2008, where he stated "if they bring a knife we'll bring a gun" while campaigning. That was becoming of a president wasn't it, in your opinion?
Its a metaphor. But you know what wasn't? These;

Oh yeah. Just so Presidential. And those are just the tip of the iceberg. Now to wait for you to brush it aside or even advocate for those.
And then when you you ask them to show you a link or substantiate their claim " oh you know he (Trump) does it all the time". Again, there was NOTHING in the speech Friday night that PRESIDENT Trump (sure has a nice ring) said about eliminating anyone's first amendment rights. But you didn't even listen to the speech to know. CNN said it so you KNOW it's right. You do realize the amount of wrong(fake) reports CNN has had to retract. Oh yeah, how would you know that you have a CNN tattoo.
I've already provided links showing how Trump keeps trying to throw the first Amendment under the bus. I guess I need to post a link to the 1st amendment itself.

And here's what the orange menace tweeted to the public, which is only the latest in a long line of things he has stated against the first amendment.
And then when you you ask them to show you a link or substantiate their claim " oh you know he (Trump) does it all the time". Again, there was NOTHING in the speech Friday night that PRESIDENT Trump (sure has a nice ring) said about eliminating anyone's first amendment rights. But you didn't even listen to the speech to know. CNN said it so you KNOW it's right. You do realize the amount of wrong(fake) reports CNN has had to retract. Oh yeah, how would you know that you have a CNN tattoo.
I don't now, nor ever have, watched CNN. Nor do I watch the incredibly awful FAUX News. I watch 9 News out of Denver. I read the Washington Post. Catch the occasional article on But I have never watched your arch-nemesis CNN. Which seems to be something you can't wrap your mind around.
Even though you weren't actually (wink wink) an Obama supporter tell me what his accomplishments are that as you say "caused him to be so respected".
All I'm saying, is what the other countries are saying. ... -and-asia/ ... eadership/
Iraq and NK are Americas bigger threats. You really are showing your ignorance now. You do realize NK has been testing missiles that have ranges to reach our borders with nuclear capabilities. Oh, how would you know that?!!!
Son, everyone and their dog knows that the North Koreans have been testing missiles. And each time, Trump, being the unpredictable and confrontational jerk he is, has only been pushing the unpredictable and confrontational jerk that Kimmy boy is. But his generals know that if they launch the first strike at a populated area, then China won't have their back in the oncoming war. But if Trump fires the first round, then expect China and maybe even Russia to intervene. Being kneejerk reactionary to the North Koreans is the WORST thing to be right now. But nope, keep swallowing what Trump and his "not fake news" keeps feeding you.

And, Iraq? Surely you mean Iran. I assume, at least. As Iraq makes no sense. Even then, what are you going to do? Go in, guns blazing, and shoot everything in sight?

But yeah. Ignore all the things that Russia has been involved in over the last year, with already a number of Trump's lackeys being charged. Ignore all of the intelligence agencies in favor Trump. Because he's never lied, like, at all. Totally.
Speaking of Russia, I believe it was your side that gave away most of our uranium deposits to Russia. I believe it was the Clinton Foundation that received millions of dollars from Russia associations. I believe it was Hussein that's stated "tell Vlad that I'll have a lot more flexibility after the election". Sounds pretty cozy to me. Barry and Vlad, hmmm you should be so proud to defend that. And, how about all the money the Clintons made personally. Oh I know what's coming, you'll state, I didn't vote for Hillary "but she was respected". Cute, very cute. Oh, again how would you know that CNN or PBS wouldn't report that. Silly me.
Seriously, you are so hung up on what your lord and savior, the orange turd, tells you, you refuse to listen to anything else. I hated BOTH candidates in Clinton and Trump. I never voted for Obama. But Obama was better than either Clinton or Trump, like it or not.
If you're just going to quote me and tell me I'm wrong, without any facts, then I'm done with the lack of debate skills of another "typical non liberal that didn't actually support Obama Hussein that you respected".
I'm the one providing links, presenting facts. You're just spouting the typical hyperbole of someone that never bothers to critically think of what his glorious leader tells him. Because if you could think critically, you'd realize that not everyone that despises Trump is a Democrat or liberal. But that would be going against your programming. I'm the one defending United States citizens rights to peacefully protest something they don't like, while you're calling it unAmerican.
News flash (sarcasm), you butt hurt liberals that didn't get your way, oh yeah sorry I know you say you aren't, Trump has the full support of all of us who voted for him and will vote him in again for another 4 years. I hope you have your safety pin and a safe space.
Oh, I know full well about your fanaticism towards Trump. Or is more cult now? Either way, I find it baffling how conservatives such as yourselves, can fully support such an abhorrent man.

Image ... servative/
It's hopeless. You just can't debate a guy who has a problem with a persons "skin color". It's typical the knit picking Trump is enduring.

There has been no one charged for anything, (yet), because you libs can't accept the election, with regard to Russia.

By the way, rather than you, I do proudly associate as a conservative and don't run from those political ideals. I personally do love this country and will call flag burning, disregard of what our country stands for in song and symbol, wrong?

You and I will never see eye to eye. If you are OK with the previous administration leaving Americans to die in an Embassy, well ok. If you're OK with Obama giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to a regime that chants death to America, well ok. By the way I meant Iran and it should have been easy to know that as I referenced them in earlier posts. If you're OK with an administration that handled National Security info on a personal server in someones basement, unsecured, well ok. If you're OK with an administration that allowed groups of Americans to be targeted by the IRS, well ok. If you're OK with decisions that led to some of the worst economic times in US history, well ok. By the way we just saw the GDP over 3 % for the last quarter and the stock market at record highs. What was the GDP under Obama? If you're OK with the number of people on welfare at an all time high under the last administration, well ok. If you're ok with the highest debt of all previous presidents combined, under Obama, well ok. If you're ok with home ownership at an all time low, well ok. If you're ok with the rest of the world viewing us as weak under Obama, well ok. You can argue this if you want, but racial tensions were not as high pre Obama, and if you're good with that, well OK.

I'm not OK with any of those things, but that's the difference between those who support socialism and those who don't. You can say you don't, if it walks like a duck, talks like...... you're probably a liberal socialist. Certainly the links you post as your references are liberal socialists so it seems that's the circle you are in.

I will say this, as much as I disliked Obamas policies, I could argue what I disliked on his policies versus finding things such as an "orange hue" to complain about. Which group is looking for little things to complain about. I imagine if you knew the color of his boxers you'd complain.

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Last edited by Poke-proud on Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:38 am, edited 6 times in total.
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DVDA wrote:This thread is exactly why people assume everyone from Wyoming is a backwards redneck who would blow Trump the instant they saw him.
I suppose the folks you "hang around" that may be true. The people I hang around have never disregarded the state I call home and love.

If you want to blow Obama go right ahead, you might be able to do it in a the deed bathroom too.

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WyoNation Lifer
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It's hopeless. You just can't debate a guy who has a problem with a persons "skin color". It's typical the knit picking Trump is enduring.
:lol: Not my fault Trump keeps getting a horrible spray tan. Meanwhile, you're the one that has an unreasonable hatred for the previous President based on rumors spread by Trump himself.
There has been no one charged for anything, (yet), because you libs can't accept the election, with regard to Russia.
So, you conveniently forgot about Manafort? Or how about most of the Trump administration lawyering up? Or does your "non fake news" not report on such things?
By the way, rather than you, I do proudly associate as a conservative and don't run from those political ideals. I personally do love this country and will call flag burning, disregard of what our country stands for in song and symbol, wrong?
"See, see!? Because I'm fanatical in my beliefs, that means I'm better then you are!" Who's running, anyway? Its the GOP that has abandoned nearly everything it once stood for.
You and I will never see eye to eye. If you are OK with the previous administration leaving Americans to die in an Embassy, well ok. If you're OK with Obama giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to a regime that chants death to America, well ok. By the way I meant Iran and it should have been easy to know that as I referenced them in earlier posts. If you're OK with an administration that handled National Security info on a personal server in someones basement, unsecured, well ok. If you're OK with an administration that allowed groups of Americans to be targeted by the IRS, well ok. If you're OK with decisions that led to some of the worst economic times in US history, well ok. By the way we just saw the GDP over 3 % for the last quarter and the stock market at record highs. What was the GDP under Obama? If you're OK with the number of people on welfare at an all time high under the last administration, well ok. If you're ok with the highest debt of all previous presidents combined, under Obama, well ok. If you're ok with home ownership at an all time low, well ok. If you're ok with the rest of the world viewing us as weak under Obama, well ok. You can argue this if you want, but racial tensions were not as high pre Obama, and if you're good with that, well OK.
Its called "paragraphing". Word walls are so junior high school. Anyway;
"But, Benghazi!" Weeks in, Trump decided to go into a mission and royally screwed it up. A mission that the Obama administration decided wasn't worth the risk.
"But Obama!"
"But personal computers!" (Have you NOT seen the news reports coming out of several of Trump's own administration doing this thing? Hypocrite.) ... -1.3228321
Somehow, I think rounding up innocent American citizens and sending them to camps is pretty bad. But hey, at least Trump doesn't have a non-Western sounding name and isn't dark skinned!
You mean Bush, right? Because of Bush's decisions, we had the worst economic times. ALL statistics point to Obama pulling the country out of them.
Ah, a follower of the debunked "trickle down" economics plan I see. No more need be said there.
I'm not OK with any of those things, but that's the difference between those who support socialism and those who don't. You can say you don't, if it walks like a duck, talks like...... you're probably a liberal socialist. Certainly the links you post as your references are liberal socialists so it seems that's the circle you are in.
:lol: Yes, the pew poll is socialist. Dude, stop talking out of your ass finding stupid excuses for trying to disregard actual statistics. This is why you Trumpers are such a pain; anything not directly endorsed by your lord and savior with the tiny hands, you immediately disregard. And let me guess, you now read Breitbart and make excuses for neo-Nazis and KKK.
I will say this, as much as I disliked Obamas policies, I could argue what I disliked on his policies versus finding things such as an "orange hue" to complain about. Which group is looking for little things to complain about. I imagine if you knew the color of his boxers you'd complain.
I'm sorry if I find this;

Oops, looks like I mistook an orange wearing a wig for Trump. An honest mistake, I assure you.

Looks goofy as hell. As does anyone else not blindly following Trump. Because the man cannot tell what a bad spray tan job is. But clearly, you cannot wrap your closed little mind to the fact I never voted for Obama (I voted for McCain, thank you very much), and so you continue with your false assumption of me, otherwise your brain would short circuit from the strain.
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My 0.02 on least Hillary didn't win the election or things would be a hell of a lot worse!!!!!
I want CHAMPIONSHIPS not chicken poop! And we're getting chicken poop!!!!!!!!!!!
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fromolwyoming wrote:
It's hopeless. You just can't debate a guy who has a problem with a persons "skin color". It's typical the knit picking Trump is enduring.
:lol: Not my fault Trump keeps getting a horrible spray tan. Meanwhile, you're the one that has an unreasonable hatred for the previous President based on rumors spread by Trump himself.
There has been no one charged for anything, (yet), because you libs can't accept the election, with regard to Russia.
So, you conveniently forgot about Manafort? Or how about most of the Trump administration lawyering up? Or does your "non fake news" not report on such things?
By the way, rather than you, I do proudly associate as a conservative and don't run from those political ideals. I personally do love this country and will call flag burning, disregard of what our country stands for in song and symbol, wrong?
"See, see!? Because I'm fanatical in my beliefs, that means I'm better then you are!" Who's running, anyway? Its the GOP that has abandoned nearly everything it once stood for.
You and I will never see eye to eye. If you are OK with the previous administration leaving Americans to die in an Embassy, well ok. If you're OK with Obama giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to a regime that chants death to America, well ok. By the way I meant Iran and it should have been easy to know that as I referenced them in earlier posts. If you're OK with an administration that handled National Security info on a personal server in someones basement, unsecured, well ok. If you're OK with an administration that allowed groups of Americans to be targeted by the IRS, well ok. If you're OK with decisions that led to some of the worst economic times in US history, well ok. By the way we just saw the GDP over 3 % for the last quarter and the stock market at record highs. What was the GDP under Obama? If you're OK with the number of people on welfare at an all time high under the last administration, well ok. If you're ok with the highest debt of all previous presidents combined, under Obama, well ok. If you're ok with home ownership at an all time low, well ok. If you're ok with the rest of the world viewing us as weak under Obama, well ok. You can argue this if you want, but racial tensions were not as high pre Obama, and if you're good with that, well OK.
Its called "paragraphing". Word walls are so junior high school. Anyway;
"But, Benghazi!" Weeks in, Trump decided to go into a mission and royally screwed it up. A mission that the Obama administration decided wasn't worth the risk.
"But Obama!"
"But personal computers!" (Have you NOT seen the news reports coming out of several of Trump's own administration doing this thing? Hypocrite.) ... -1.3228321
Somehow, I think rounding up innocent American citizens and sending them to camps is pretty bad. But hey, at least Trump doesn't have a non-Western sounding name and isn't dark skinned!
You mean Bush, right? Because of Bush's decisions, we had the worst economic times. ALL statistics point to Obama pulling the country out of them.
Ah, a follower of the debunked "trickle down" economics plan I see. No more need be said there.
I'm not OK with any of those things, but that's the difference between those who support socialism and those who don't. You can say you don't, if it walks like a duck, talks like...... you're probably a liberal socialist. Certainly the links you post as your references are liberal socialists so it seems that's the circle you are in.
:lol: Yes, the pew poll is socialist. Dude, stop talking out of your ass finding stupid excuses for trying to disregard actual statistics. This is why you Trumpers are such a pain; anything not directly endorsed by your lord and savior with the tiny hands, you immediately disregard. And let me guess, you now read Breitbart and make excuses for neo-Nazis and KKK.
I will say this, as much as I disliked Obamas policies, I could argue what I disliked on his policies versus finding things such as an "orange hue" to complain about. Which group is looking for little things to complain about. I imagine if you knew the color of his boxers you'd complain.
I'm sorry if I find this;

Oops, looks like I mistook an orange wearing a wig for Trump. An honest mistake, I assure you.

Looks goofy as hell. As does anyone else not blindly following Trump. Because the man cannot tell what a bad spray tan job is. But clearly, you cannot wrap your closed little mind to the fact I never voted for Obama (I voted for McCain, thank you very much), and so you continue with your false assumption of me, otherwise your brain would short circuit from the strain.
This is past ridiculous. One thing tells me we can't have an honest debate, besides you constantly bashing on Trump for his "bad tan" and that is your statement about the economy. Number one Obama had 8 years, ridiculous and totally ignorant at to blame Bush. Stupid actually, and the facts, that I stated above do not prove anything out the economy was getting better. The economy under Hussein was horrible.

I'll prove you have no clue.

What was the debt when Bush left office -

What was the debt when Obama left office -

I'll be waiting.

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Just especially for you "fromolwyoming";


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here's another for you - maybe you can get this one "blown up" life size for your bedroom wall, I mean he is so well "respected" (by you) and allImage

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Jesus f-word Christ
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Poke-proud wrote: Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:51 pm

OK, lets make this easy and show how ignorant you really are.

Defend Obama giving $100s of millions of "your tax dollars" ( well that is if you pay taxes (most liberals don't but want everyone to pay their fair share meaning everyone else) to Iran, but yeah go ahead and defend that.
This. Didn't. Happen. This is pure fabrication. The only money the US gave to Iran was giving it's own money back to it, it was never "your tax dollars".

But why do you think it is? Because you listen to all of the talking points and don't actually investigate the veracity of those points because they fit your narrative that Obama was evil.

Sorry, but if you can honestly say that Trump has so far been a better President than Obama, you are clearly partisan-biased. I am neither Conservative nor a liberal, so sitting in the middle I can see the pros and cons of both sides. While Obama had both, so far Trump has had a lot more in the con column.
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WestWYOPoke wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2017 12:18 pm
Poke-proud wrote: Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:51 pm

OK, lets make this easy and show how ignorant you really are.

Defend Obama giving $100s of millions of "your tax dollars" ( well that is if you pay taxes (most liberals don't but want everyone to pay their fair share meaning everyone else) to Iran, but yeah go ahead and defend that.
This. Didn't. Happen. This is pure fabrication. The only money the US gave to Iran was giving it's own money back to it, it was never "your tax dollars".

But why do you think it is? Because you listen to all of the talking points and don't actually investigate the veracity of those points because they fit your narrative that Obama was evil.

Sorry, but if you can honestly say that Trump has so far been a better President than Obama, you are clearly partisan-biased. I am neither Conservative nor a liberal, so sitting in the middle I can see the pros and cons of both sides. While Obama had both, so far Trump has had a lot more in the con column.
Prepared to be called fake, an Obama supporter, liberal, and anything else he can think of to call you. Because you said that last part.

As for poke-proud, well. Any information I provide to refute anything (a quick google search is all that's needed) he'll just call "socialist" or "fake". He already did so with everything else I've provided. Without actually countering anything. Just ranted what he's been told by other people.
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Poke-proud wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:41 am
DVDA wrote:This thread is exactly why people assume everyone from Wyoming is a backwards redneck who would blow Trump the instant they saw him.
I suppose the folks you "hang around" that may be true. The people I hang around have never disregarded the state I call home and love.

If you want to blow Obama go right ahead, you might be able to do it in a the deed bathroom too.

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Your incompetence is incredible. Please continue getting your ass handed to you in this thread while thinking you're "winning." You've been even less successful in this thread than Mr. Spray Tan has been as president. Who knew that was even possible?
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Wyokie wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:29 am My 0.02 on least Hillary didn't win the election or things would be a hell of a lot worse!!!!!
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I think they should stand up salute the flag. How many have tried living in a different country? We're incredibly blessed and lucky to live here. Stand up and show some respect!
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LanderPoke wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:33 pm I think they should stand up salute the flag. How many have tried living in a different country? We're incredibly blessed and lucky to live here. Stand up and show some respect!
Or they could exercise the freedoms we have that make it the greatest country in the world.
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LanderPoke wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:33 pm I think they should stand up salute the flag. How many have tried living in a different country? We're incredibly blessed and lucky to live here. Stand up and show some respect!
I respect their right to peacefully protest in the manner they see fit. I also respect your right to not agree with how they are doing it. I personally think we live in a great country, but a country that is still far from perfect. I don't see a problem with trying to make our great country even better by addressing and attempting to fix some of its shortfalls.
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